Going green: paperless billing

The new customer-business relation is digital, fast, effecient and green.

The new customer-business relation is digital, fast, effecient and green.

Effective January 1st 2015 you will be receiving digital invoices from De Witte Lietaer.
Electronic invoicing is regulated by European law (VAT aspects and onus)
There are many advantages of paperless billing:

The fastest and most efficient way of receiving invoices, is digitally.
Saving these in a file, allows easy overview, as well as swift transferring to another department

Track & find:
No more overstuffed filing cabinets, easy to trace and track or copy.
Budget saving:
Substantial reducing of paper and printing cost

Together with you, we want to reduce the ‘ecological footprint'.
Our small contribution to the improvement of the environment.

Kindly forward this message to your accounting.


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